
One year ago today…

January 5, 2009

M and I got married.

I almost can’t believe it’s been a year, but in some other ways, I totally do.  We’ve had the traditional ups and downs of first year and we’re totally ready to make it to year two and mellow out a little bit.  At least we hope so!  🙂

Tonight, to celebrate, M and I took our gift cards for Kelsey’s that we got over Christmas and headed to the Queensway for dinner and a movie.  It worked out perfectly because in the end we got dinner and the movie tickets for only 5 dollars.  Sweet. Plus I managed to find an old 5 dollar gift certificate for the movie theatre so we got a treat before heading in (Nibs, the usual).  We watched the movie Slumdog Millionaire,  which is so totally amazing.  Everyone should see it. 

Oh – and the best part of the evening?  Walking in to the theatre  and suddenly getting an overwelming smell of nothing else but pot.  Wow! We were kinda wondering what to think, but then we get in to the theatre and realize we’re second only to one older man sitting at the very back all by himself…hmmm….Very conspicuous indeed! 

Overall, a very pleasant evening.

Happy Anniversary, baby.  I love you.

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